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BAD ADVICE: “Eat more pickles!”
Please don’t take skincare advice from people who moonlight as a “dermatologist…” You’ll end up with a smorgasbord of wonderfully ineffective skincare advice, such as… “Eat more pickles!” “Scrub away the pimples!” “Lather your face in butter and mayonnaise to moisturize your skin!” No… just… no. Here are 3 other common skincare tips you should […]
Read More →A misunderstood skin and health boosting food…
Egg YOLKS are the best part of the egg. If you’re a diehard egg-white omelet connoisseur, you’re probably not happy with that statement. But don’t take it personally… Everyone from nutritionists, doctors, and the government have at one point in time fed us the lie that cholesterol-laden yolks would clog up your arteries. I’m here […]
Read More →The Big 3 fat-storing hormones that may be keeping you fat…
“Why was it so much easier to lose weight before when I was younger and now, the scale won’t even move???” Do you ever find yourself asking this question? Well, there’s a scientific reason for that. As you age, your body responds differently to your weight loss effort. Your hormones start to go haywire. If […]
Read More →5 tips to stay “forever young”
When you were a kid, I’ll bet you couldn’t WAIT to get older. Do you remember the freedom of college, living in a dorm room, or your own apartment back when you were a teenager… The endless world of opportunities that were at your feet in your twenties…. But by the time you hit your […]
Read More →How to Avoid Dangerous Toxins in Your Diet
What you eat may be the single most important toxin-exposure factor that you have control over. When it comes to avoiding toxins in your diet, there are three main goals that you should have: buy organic food, avoid buying foods in cans or plastic containers, and avoid processed or fast foods. Tip #1: Buy Organic […]
Read More →How to Protect Your Vision as You Age
Most of us have grown up with the expectation that our eyesight will deteriorate with age, believing this process to be both natural and unavoidable. Yet not everyone experiences worsening eyesight or ocular diseases as they age, begging the questions: What makes some of us lose our sight while others are able to see well […]
Read More →How to Manipulate Light to Sleep Better
Light plays a huge role in the natural sleep-wake cycle of nearly all animals, including humans. In fact, our circadian rhythm is synchronized with a light/dark cycle. By controlling your exposure, you can avoid light that will harm your sleep and add it in where it can help your sleep. Tip #1: Avoid Detrimental Light […]
Read More →What is Cardiovascular Disease & What Actually Causes It?
Whether you just got back from your annual checkup where you learned that your blood pressure or cholesterol is high, you are recovering from a heart attack, or you have seen these things happen to loved ones and want to avoid them, you have reached the point where you want to concentrate on boosting your […]
Read More →You Can Be as Smart at 80 as You Were at 30
As you get older, it is likely that you will start to notice a difference in your memory. Maybe you forget where you put your keys, or you try to recall a movie from the previous night and find that you are struggling. Or maybe someone in your family is suffering from a neurological disease […]
Read More →Detox Food and Drink Series: Green Tea for Detox
What you put into your body is one of the most important factors when it comes to the overall toxic load in your body. Some foods, like fast food, fried food, processed food, soda, and alcohol, contribute toxic compounds that harm your health.1 Other foods, like many whole plant-based foods do just the opposite, helping […]
Read More →Reducing Your Exposure to Outdoor Air Pollution
Humans are the only species on Earth that is to blame for pollution. (*1) While there are other air contaminants, like those that follow a volcanic eruption, man-made air pollution is a unique thing. Ever since we discovered how to create fire, our environmental impact has been steadily rising. It’s not only those of us […]
Read More →What Is a Heart-Healthy Diet?
When it comes to preventing, treating, and even reversing heart disease, the most important thing you can do is eat a heart-healthy diet. By eating the right diet, you can reduce your blood pressure, cholesterol, and inflammation, and with them, your risk of coronary heart disease. Foods that Contribute to Heart Disease In the introduction, […]
Read More →Your Guide to Sleep: Why You Need It, How Much You Need, & What to Do When You Can’t Get It
We’ve all had those nights – you’re exhausted and ready to collapse into your bed for a good night’s sleep. Thirty minutes later? The chatter in your brain just won’t quiet, and you spend hours staring up at the ceiling. Or maybe you fall asleep without a hitch, but when you wake up at 2:00 […]
Read More →Exercise More: Sweating Flushes Toxins from the Body
Exercise, saunas, and steam rooms all have one thing in common: they get you to sweat! Sweating serves more functions than just helping to keep you from overheating – it also functions to eliminate toxins from your body.1,2 Since ancient times, sweating has been seen as a type of “cleansing.”(*1) In modern times, however, very […]
Read More →Traditional Household Cleaners & Body Products Pose Dangers to Your Health
I have always considered it a successful day if I’ve cleaned my home, showered, shaved, and put myself together. There is something to say about your home looking nice and feeling confident with the face you put forward to others. But what if I were to tell you that there are hazardous chemicals hiding out […]
Read More →Filtered Water: It’s More Important Than You Might Think
We use water from the tap for everything. From showering and watering the lawn to fixing food and providing life-supporting hydration, drinking water is a no-brainer. If you live in the United States, you are fortunate in that your water is usually safe to drink. You don’t have to worry about boiling it before every […]
Read More →Why You Should Avoid Trendy Detox Diets
You hear the term “detox” thrown around all the time. Whether it’s about a new “detox diet” or “detox supplement,” we’re often told that we need to do X, Y, or Z to detox. But what does it really mean to detox? It’s not a magic pill or diet as is often touted. There is […]
Read More →What Are Toxins and Where Do They Come From?
Every day each of us comes into contact with countless toxins that can accumulate in our bodies. These toxins can lead to health troubles that range from inflammation and brain fog to more serious illnesses, such as irritable bowel disease and cancer. Understanding what toxins are and where they come from are important first steps […]
Read More →Your Complete Guide to Inflammation
We all have that friend — the one who, in small doses, is AMAZING. Maybe all they want to do is inhale alcohol like it’s going out of style, and party as if they’d never left their early 20’s. Hanging out with this friend can be great fun for one or two nights, without question […]
Read More →Best Curcumin Supplements
Do you hate taking pain medication? The most common category of drugs for inflammatory pain, NSAIDs, can lead to serious side effects, especially when taken for extended periods of time. Researchers have found that curcumin supplements may be as effective as NSAIDs for relieving certain types of pain with a much better safety profile. (1) […]
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Nourish the skin from within, with Dr. Paul Chasan’s proprietary formula. Clinically proven to reverse years of Dermal Collapse, and restore firm, moist, radiant skin.